03 December 2007

apakah benar

jika memakai template kembang-kembang ini title tidak muncul dengan benar ?

mari kita coba...

09 November 2007

pokemon team

  • infernape, lv 72
  • floatzel, lv 72
  • dialga, lv 61
  • azelf, lv 52
  • heatran, lv 70
  • giratina, lv 70

komentar dong. hehehehehe

10 September 2007

shangrila kobongan ???

betul apa salah ???
foto ini asli lho...

apakah itu asap biasa ataukah asap kebakaran ???

silakan diperdebatkan...

monggo... mari2...

21 June 2007

pokemon diamond checklist, and some related problem.

CREDIT goes first : some info taken from ngemu forums. read it first (160 post hahaha)

actually I want to summarize this there, but for whatever reason, when I wanna register there was "admin has blocked your email address". I changed into yahoomail but the admin still blocked me.
so alright. it's enough that i can read information there.

firstly to play pokemon diamond in PC you need
now extract the no$gba zip and run the exe file. load whatever nds ROM or GBA rom then press F11 (change settings) so it be like this:
oh yes, and after changing it, save it. (Options > Save Options)
If you can't get past this part without being constantly crashed then you can ask me for INI file. send me your email in the comments. if you wanna avoid spambots (there shouldn't be any actually, but whatever) you can use the format myemail at mydomain dot what.
OK now start the ROM, and happy playing.

Now let's get to the related problems you will encounter.
  • NEW !! : I can't load my saved state / snapshot. Me neither. So, don't save using snapshot feature, use the normal save method instead. I think the emulator still has problems with that feature at this version (at least for this game)
  • When I defeat a pokemon, my game freezes. Turn on the sound. With settings as in the picture above you shouldn't get this problem.
  • My computer crashed when I was playing, and now I can't load my most recent save, the past save got loaded instead. No$gba doesn't actually write save files when it's running, instead, it does when you closed the program. If your computer is unstable and constantly crashes, after saving the game you should close the program, then start again and load. This is the safest way.
  • The sound / framerate get crappy, especially outside and in the legendary lakes. Close all other programs and antivirus, including those which resides besides your clock. To your surprise, this program is actually consuming some processing power.
  • I can't deposit / withdraw pokemon to/from my boxes (the screen keep getting black / game freezes). Use move pokemon option instead.
  • I still can't do it even with move pokemon option. You have too many pokemon in a box. Fortunately, you can still move pokemon between boxes. So the workaround is : organize your boxes so that one box doesn't contain more than 12 pokemon. After you do that, save (and close if needed) and try moving pokemon to your party again.
    (the number actually varies depending on computer specifications, I think. I have not tested an exact number between systems, but for system suggested above, 12 should be a safe number)
  • I got white screen in route 210. Use defog, then open your pokedex then close it again. The same thing will happen on Mt. Coronet basement later. NEW!! Update your no$gba.exe to the version 2.6 - this problem and other transparancy-related problems has been fixed in this version.
  • When I want to catch Dialga (or Palkia in the Pearl) after beating the two commanders, it just got stuck. Press A many times. There is actually some dialogue or something but no$gba can't emulate that yet.
  • I can't store items in my PC. Yes you can't, since you won't need to.
  • More problems ? see the link at the top of the post and post there. you can comment here too, but the forums there is where the experts are.

13 June 2007

DS Emulator comparison (pokemon diamond game)

I'm not gonna post this for you, I'm just making a comparison for myself. (Which I believe other site has been doing this too.)

This is original research, so you Wikipedians cannot cite this. Hahaha.

First edit : June 11, 2007

Game : Pokemon Diamond (US Version)

Aku ada 4 emulator, yaitu Desmume 0.7.0-win, IDeaS, NeonDS 0.0.4, dan no$gba-w_2.4b (dibaca no cash)

Percobaan pertama : IDeaS, game muncul, lancar, sampai pada setelah siaran TV habis. suara tiba2 menjadi kasar dan game menjadi lambat, setelah kuperhatikan lagi dan pergi ke luar rumah, suara semakin kasar dan kelihatan jelas garis2 polygon di mana-mana (environment di Pokemon Diamond adalah 3-dimensi).

Save state jalan, sayang save game biasa kayaknya error, waktu aku save biasa kemudian reset nggak ada pilihan ngeload game, langsung introduksi dari si profesor.

Untuk touchscreen, kayaknya gak ada masalah, touchscreen bisa langsung diklik dengan mouse

Untuk Desmume, setelah open ROM, hanya keluar putih, FPS counter di title bar jalan, tapi tak terdengar suara apapun, layar putih juga tidak berubah. Sayang juga, padahal emulator ini termasuk lengkap, hanya emu ini yg menyertakan window size option (seperti di Visual Boy Advance)Untuk NeonDS begitu ROM di-load kemudian klik Run, cuman item aja yg ada padahal di titlebar menunjukkan 400 fps. Hahaha. Anyway emu ini lebih keliatan seperti disassembler buat saya.

Untuk Nocash (saya lebih seneng nulis nocash daripada no$), pertama2 ROM selalu crash, saya harus mencari settingan yang tepat. Kalo dah dapet settingannya, game akan jalan dengan baik. Saya jalanin dengan speed 16.7 MHz Realtime, digital stereo 44100 Hz sound, dan semua baik-baik saja... yah kadang2 lambat di beberapa waktu tertentu, tapi kalo anda punya prosesor dual core yang cepat (> 2.4 GHz) seharusnya tak jadi masalah.

Polygonnya bagus, gak ada garis2, rendering yang lain juga flaw lebih dikit daripada IDeaS, suara juga nggak kasar asal speed nya disetel ke normal (16,7 MHz Realtime). Touchscreen juga berfungsi dengan baik. Save state tidak berfungsi tapi save game normal berfungsi (untuk game ini, set save type ke Flash 512 Kbyte (4 Mbit)).

mungkin ada yg bisa jalanin game ini dengan desmume/neon atau emulator lain, silakan comment disini..

01 June 2007

Nginstall Linux?

Command untuk install dari tar.bz2 dan tar.gz

linknya kepanjangan

21 May 2007

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Animation record for third Shrek

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Animation record for third Shrek

The third Shrek movie has made $120m (£61m) in its first weekend on release in the US and Canada - a new box office record for an animated movie.

Shrek the Third has surpassed the $108m (£55m) taken by Shrek 2 in 2004.

It has also knocked Spider-Man 3 off the top of the current North American box office chart.

But it could not match Spider-Man 3's overall first-weekend record, which the super-hero set with takings of $148 (£74m) two weeks ago.

05 May 2007

Spesifikasi Sistem Lengkap


Processor : AMD Sempron 64-bit 2600+ socket 754 @ 2604 MHz

Motherboard : Chaintech Zenith VNF3-250

Memory : Kingston 512 MiB DDR-SDRAM PC3200 3-3-3-8 @ 434 MHz

Graphic Card : Alastor nVidia GeForce FX5500, ForceWare 91.31

Sound Card : Onboard Realtek w/ nForce3 Sonata driver

Storage : Seagate ST3120022A 120 GB PATA-100

Storage : Maxtor 6E030L0 30 GB PATA-133

Optic Drive : ASUS DRW-1608P2S

Optic Drive : TDK CDRW523252BC

Display : Samsung SyncMaster 550v @1024x768x32 75 Hz

HSF/cool : Thermaltake BlueOrb II

Casing : Simbadda

Power Supply : AcBel E2 340 W

Printer : Canon PIXMA iP1700, Epson Stylus C43SX


Operating System : Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2 @ Sustenance skin

Operating System : Mandriva Linux Free 2007 @ KDE 3.5

Productivity Apps : Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise

Productivity Apps : OpenOffice.org 2.0 mandriva

Antivirus : NOD32 2.7

Antivirus : ClamAV @ KlamAV

Firewall : Shiro DSL Router

Web Browser : Mozilla Firefox

Image Editor : Adobe Photoshop CS2

Image Editor : GIMP

Vector Apps : Macromedia Flash 8 Professional, Corel Draw X3

Text Editor : Notepad++ 4.0.2, KWrite

Audio Player : Foobar2000, Winamp 5.33, Windows Media Player 11

Audio Player : AmaroK, Xine

02 April 2007

April Mop

kasihan sekali saya, bulan Maret sama sekali nggak sempat posting di sini.

Sesuai dengan judulnya, postingan ini sama sekali nggak akan membahas April Mob (atau Mop?) hehehe.

Cuman melepaskan kerinduan akan lambatnya server Blogger hahahaha
besok aja ya postingnya abis ujian nasional..

Doain sukses and lulus yach....

17 February 2007

Tes Blog Post dari Microsoft Word 2007

Setelah tadi judulnya, sekarang isi postingannya…..

Cara melakukan ini adalah dengan pilih New kemudian New Blog Post pada Microsoft Office Word 2007.

Pertanyaan ? tulis komentar di sini atau kirim email ke eriuzo@gmail.com

01 February 2007

Komputer Lab Komputer Sekolah

Yang baru...

sudah dual core lhooo.. tapi cuman Pentium D 820 (2,8 GHz).. tanya kenapa ??? mungkin karena barang nggak laku jadinya dapet murah..?

terus RAM nya cuman 256 MB...

alhasil booting ke Windows memakan waktu hampir 2 menit... bahkan komputer di rumah yang pake Sempron 2600+ aja cuman 50 detikan (kalo ga salah)

yang dodol lagi, driver VGA belum diinstall.. tapi udah dikasi DeepFreeze. Yah apa boleh buat.. aku bingung kadang2 ni teknisi IT yang bodoh ato murid-murid yang terlalu pinter yaa? Sekali lagi tanya kenapa?

Yang agak lumayan dan bisa dibanggakan , ada CD-ROM nya, terus mouse sama keyboard dah pake Logitech Black.. kemudian udah diinstal Windows XP SP2 dan Office 2003... Tetapi sekali lagi karena DeepFreeze bodoh kami harus mengakses https://iacademy.oracle.com dengan memakai IE 6... yang sialnya pada komputer yang kupakai sempat hang..

Yah akhirnya waktu 40 menit kami habis ketika kami baru berhasil login ke account kami masing2 di Oracle Academy, karena koneksi internet yang aneh.. bandwidth dihabiskan komputer bagian depan ( sampai 10-an), belum 10 menit pertama habis untuk booting, login windows, setting koneksi IP dan proxy (yang pasti tidak tersimpan karena ada DeepFreeze).

Kesimpulan saya satu... kasihan adik-adik kelas saya yang membayar uang sekolah dan uang gedung yang lebih mahal dari yang saya bayarkan.

02 January 2007

Hari ini koneksi tak stabil

hari yang aneh... sudah 3 kali aku DC... yang anehnya setelah bisa nyambung lagi, pasti proxy nya ganti !

  • Jam 15.45 : DC pertama, selama 20 menit, proxy sebelum DC: New Skies Satellites (India), proxy sesudah DC: Hutchison Corporate Access Ltd (Hongkong)
  • Jam 20-an: kedua, selama 5 menit, tidak terjadi pergantian proxy
  • Jam 22.30: ketiga, selama 5 menit, proxy sesudah DC: PT. Indosat Mega Media (Indonesia).
Apakah yang sebenarnya terjadi ???? kalo ga satbil gini mendingan pake CDMA aja lebih murah... beh..

01 January 2007

Post pertamaku di tahun 2007

Inilah post pertamaku di tahun 2007...

Pertama-tama, selamat tahun baru 2007, semoga tahun yang baru ini membawa harapan baru dan kebahagiaan bagi kita semua...

Kedua: Ketahuilah IP (atau IP proxy server) dengan melihat gambar ini :