actually I want to summarize this there, but for whatever reason, when I wanna register there was "admin has blocked your email address". I changed into yahoomail but the admin still blocked me.
so alright. it's enough that i can read information there.
firstly to play pokemon diamond in PC you need
- a computer of course, for hint for minimum specifications, see here
- no$gba emulator, version 2.4.b (you can use 2.4.a but you need a lot of workaround here and there, read this)
- the pokemon diamond rom (hint: you can always use google)

oh yes, and after changing it, save it. (Options > Save Options)
If you can't get past this part without being constantly crashed then you can ask me for INI file. send me your email in the comments. if you wanna avoid spambots (there shouldn't be any actually, but whatever) you can use the format myemail at mydomain dot what.OK now start the ROM, and happy playing.
Now let's get to the related problems you will encounter.
- NEW !! : I can't load my saved state / snapshot. Me neither. So, don't save using snapshot feature, use the normal save method instead. I think the emulator still has problems with that feature at this version (at least for this game)
- When I defeat a pokemon, my game freezes. Turn on the sound. With settings as in the picture above you shouldn't get this problem.
- My computer crashed when I was playing, and now I can't load my most recent save, the past save got loaded instead. No$gba doesn't actually write save files when it's running, instead, it does when you closed the program. If your computer is unstable and constantly crashes, after saving the game you should close the program, then start again and load. This is the safest way.
- The sound / framerate get crappy, especially outside and in the legendary lakes. Close all other programs and antivirus, including those which resides besides your clock. To your surprise, this program is actually consuming some processing power.
- I can't deposit / withdraw pokemon to/from my boxes (the screen keep getting black / game freezes). Use move pokemon option instead.
- I still can't do it even with move pokemon option. You have too many pokemon in a box. Fortunately, you can still move pokemon between boxes. So the workaround is : organize your boxes so that one box doesn't contain more than 12 pokemon. After you do that, save (and close if needed) and try moving pokemon to your party again.
(the number actually varies depending on computer specifications, I think. I have not tested an exact number between systems, but for system suggested above, 12 should be a safe number)
- I got white screen in route 210. Use defog, then open your pokedex then close it again. The same thing will happen on Mt. Coronet basement later. NEW!! Update your no$gba.exe to the version 2.6 - this problem and other transparancy-related problems has been fixed in this version.
- When I want to catch Dialga (or Palkia in the Pearl) after beating the two commanders, it just got stuck. Press A many times. There is actually some dialogue or something but no$gba can't emulate that yet.
- I can't store items in my PC. Yes you can't, since you won't need to.
- More problems ? see the link at the top of the post and post there. you can comment here too, but the forums there is where the experts are.
PD work now on NO$GBA 2.5b . Try it!
yes.. I've tried it.
I'm just too lazy to update the post.
Thanks anyway :)
my nocash is working perfectly but it's way slower than normal...
can u give me some tips?
and yeah, i've already changed the options and saved them...
my e-mail is:
can u help me?
just send me the PD.nds that u have to my e-mail account...
thx alot!
thank you so much! i got to palkia and it froze and no matter what i did i couldnt get it to move on. and no where else on the net did i find your suggestion about pushing A-which worked! thanks again!!!!
@4go10 (I suppose it's Forgotten right? ;) )
hmm there are few things you can do..
1. close other programs, such as antivirus programs and anything else
2. download the newest version of no$gba (at this time it's 2.6)
3. if none of above give a significant increase, then usually it is your computer that is too slow. if so then overclock / upgrade your computer..
@anon Thanks, I'm glad I could be of any help.
i got no$gba2.6a and i can't load the saved data from PD.every other game works perfectly.
Well written article.
I have problem with opening my bag(start) I cant open it,even if I change my controls and reset game,I cant go from coal-city,help me please :-(
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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(Submitted from Nintendo DS running [url=]R4i[/url] OperaV2)
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